Games Like Pet Party

Here is a list of games that are similar to Pet Party.

Pet City


If you love pets and want some fun caring for them, Pet City is the game for you. You are going to be able to enjoy the company of your virtual companions while caring for them as a whole. You will become responsible for them, but without the same amount of responsibility found with real pets.

Littlest Pet Shop

Littlest Pet Shop2

This is based around the Hasbro’s pet toys and you will even be able to play on your mobile devices. You will have to help Blythe and friends adopt pets and care for all of them, and don’t forget to keep them entertained. There are more animals that you may imagine with 150 to collect!

Bin Weevils

Binweevils6The Bin is a place of exploration, excitement, and wonder at every turn. With your very own Weevil, you can experience this all and more. Play mini games, customize, meet new players, and see what The Bin is all about with your own eyes. There is a lot here for you, and you can enjoy it all.

Moshi Monsters

moshi2Education and entertainment have met in a marvelous way with Moshi Monsters. You are going to be entertained here, that is without a doubt, but you are also going to learn. You have an educational game that is cute, exciting, addictive, and fun. It is what you want in these types of games.

Happy Pets

Happypets2In Happy Pets, you are going to want to make you and your pet happy. You can do this by customizing the pet, giving it what it needs, playing mini games, decorating, and doing so much more. There is a lot to gain from playing this game, and happiness is definitely included.

The Beasties: Hello World

thebeastieshelloworld12The Beasties are in your care now. These adorable little monsters are depending on you for education and life, so make sure that you do not let them down. Customize them, give them a home, teach them your language, and watch as they learn with you and love your company.



Having your own pet is not always possible. If you have always wanted one but something has stopped you, then you might find a better solution in Foopets. You can have a cute and fuzzy little animal that is yours to take care of without the same responsibilities or concerns that real animals come with.

For even more games like Pet Party, check out Pet Worlds category.

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