HTC Vive: So, What’s it Gonna Cost? So far, all of the information that’s been released regarding HTC’s upcoming VR headset Vive has been extremely promising, from the intuitive controllers that let you manipulate the game world you’re in to the epic 37 motion sensors that allow for a truly quick, completely immersive experience that […]
Crytek Toying With Virtual Reality The managing director of Crytek revealed that the company is currently exploring virtual reality gaming, and working to create a virtual reality experience that sets the VR bar higher than ever. So far, the company says that it has already found tools to deal with the motion sickness commonly associated […]
Valve and Virtual Reality As of Monday, it’s official: Valve Software, best known for their online gaming marketplace, is officially taking their business to the next level, developing their own virtual reality system: SteamVR. The company plans to conduct the first demonstration of their system at the upcoming Game Developers Conference in San Francisco, CA […]
Valve has finally come forward publicly with demonstrations of their prototype for a virtual reality headset, Apple is looking to revolutionize your experience with mobile games, and a company has finally come out with a completely different take on a gaming controller, virtual or otherwise, in the form of a glove! In short, graphics are […]
The buzz in the tech world is crazy after CES 2014 wrapped up this year, and we’re waiting with baited breath to finally get our hands on some of the awesome tech that’s coming our way. To start, some researchers / artists in Spain are taking the potential for Oculus Rift to an entirely new […]
Hello there! Google: Virtual Reality Niantic Labs, a relatively recent subsection of powerhouse Google, recently announced a partnership with HarperCollins, publisher of the upcoming trilogy Endgame. The game will be a location-based augmented reality experience that runs on mobile phones, incorporating components from the real world to build an interactive environment around the central story […]