Games Like Gojiyo

Here is a list of games that are similar to Gojiyo.



In Kaneva, you can go from chatting and shopping to dancing and partying with ease. It is the perfect social game where fun is the focus. Create your avatar and begin making friends right away. Once you do, you can explore and see the world with everyone that you meet.

Second Life


Second Life truly lives up to its name. From the moment that you begin playing, it is going to seem like much more than life. Create your avatar, work, play, and have far more fun than you would have ever thought possible. There are more than enough activities and possibilities to keep you entertained.


imvu6IMVU is all about customization and socialization. You can customize your avatar and room to look however you want them to look. With a large store available, the possibilities are nearly endless. When you are done, begin talking with strangers or friends. You can even chat with them in your newly decorated rooms.



You start out as you do in most games, customizing your avatar and exploring the world around you. As you progress through the game, you will be able to make friends and take part in the activities. This keeps it exciting and gives you plenty of things to do with your friends.

For more games like Gojiyo, check out Social Worlds category.

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