YoVille Gets New Life as YoWorld YoVille fans had their hearts broken a few months ago, when then-owner Zynga announced it would be shutting the virtual world down. But Big Viking Games, co-founded by the original creator of the much-loved world, stepped in after fans pleaded and petitioned with a furious passion, and that passion […]
March is ending with a bang! The internet is going a bit crazy over the recent purchase of Oculus VR by Facebook, but some in the know are laying out some pretty decent arguments in favor of the new partnership. We knew it wouldn’t be long before Microsoft let some information leak about any upcoming […]
Lots of news today! Let’s get started! Habbo Hotel Shutting Down Game Center The game center is closing its doors as of March 31st. According to the company, the decision is an attempt to improve the overall Habbo experience; while plenty of users love the games, many found the different graphics to be distracting rather […]
This has been one heck of a year for gaming, from new advances in technology to some pretty amazing products and games. So as we sit here at the end of 2013, we’d like to do some reminiscing as well as take a peak of what 2014 will have to offer. Let us know what […]
October is quickly coming to a close, and with the holidays right around the corner developers and tech gurus are gearing up for the biggest buying season of the year. To that end, there’s a bunch of new toys to play with soon, including two new iPads (finally!) and an Android specific mini-console, as well […]