Clone furniture
Go to “My 3D Room” and click the button with the hammer icon to turn the “edit mode” when you are in your room. Select the furniture that you wish to clone then click on the clone tool button, it’s the icon with the rabbit on it. Click the furniture then you can clone it as many times you want.
Please enter the url to a YouTube video.Actions
Click on your avatar, select a VIP action, but do not click on it. Instead, you type the action (Exp. AirGuitar) then press “enter”. That action will be done by your avatar. (for non-vip only)
Unlockable – Credits
To earn credits for it you will have to get into a 3D chat once a day when you start IMVU.
Unlockable and How to Unlock
200 Credits – 3 Minute 3D Chat 1st day
400 Credits – 3 Minute 3D Chat 2nd day
800 Credits – 3 Minute 3D Chat 3rd day
1600 + 2000 Credits – 3 Minute 3D Chat 4th day
Avatar Codes – Men
- Male avatar *use 191.
- White color skin *use 263.
- The default skin color is *use 265.
- For pale white colored skin *use 264.
- For tanned skin color *use 267.
- *use 147-brown eyebrows
- *use 146-blond eyebrows
- *use 145-light brown eyebrows
- *use 144-light brown eyebrows
Clothing Codes – Men
These are a list of IMVU code for clothes for men.
- Blue pants *use 211.
- Red trousers *use 188.
- Black trousers *use 189.
- Black boots *use 220.
- Red shoes *use 184.
- Black gloves *use 178.
- Yellow gloves *use 180.
- Leather brown gloves *use 179.
- White hoodie *use 214.
- Blue hoodie *use 216.
- IMVU shirt *use 185.
- Orange t-shirt with a logo *use 186.
- Kickaz boots zap *use 222.
- Kickaz boots pavement *use 221.
- Kickaz boots grate *use 220.
- Kickaz boots curb *use 218.
- Baggy hoody sunset *use 217.
- Baggy hoody special man *use 216.
- Baggy hoodie midnight *use 215.
- Baggy hoodie good monin *use 214.
- long shorts zap *use 213.
- long shorts khaki *use 212.
- long shorts denim *use 211.
- long shorts camo *use 210.
- Homey pants village *use 190.
- Homey pants tribeca *use 189.
- Homey pants chelsea *use 188.
- Baggy T orange matto *use 186.
- Baggy T green IMTV *use 185.
- Kicks webster hall *use 184.
- Kicks tunnel *use 183.
- Kicks paladium *use 182.
- Kick limelight *use 181.
- Rider gloves gamer *use 180.
- Rider gloves drivin *use 179.
- Rider gloves black *use 178.
Avatar Codes – Women
- Female avatar *use 80.
- Short brown hair *use 162.
- Blonde *use 161.
- Brownish red color hair *use 160.
- Black hair *use 159.
- Blue eyes *use 158.
- Green eyes *use 157.
- Darker green *use 156.
- Fiery red *use 155.
- Liz eyes *use 158.
- Light green eyes *use 157.
- Green hazel eyes *use 156.
- Day after eyes *use 155.
- Dark umber eyes *use 154.
- Sunny eyes *use 153.
- Sienna eyes *use 152.
- Amber eyes *use 151.
- Bright blue eyes *use 150.
- Blue eyes *use 149.
- X bloody eyes *use 148.
- Blond eyebrows *use 133.
- Black eyebrows *use 132.
- Amber eyebrows *use 131.
- Brunette eyebrows *use 130.
- Marla Brunette *use 162.
- Marla blond *use 161.
- Marla amber *use 160.
- Marla black *use 159.
Clothing Codes – Women
Below is a list of IMVU cheats for clothes for women.
- Blue top *use 300.
- Darker color top *use 299 .
- Cargo shorts *use 285.
- Booty shorts *use 171.
- Pair of shoes *use 228.
- Pair of pink shorts *use 176.
- Black boots *use 174.
- Sexy pair of shorts *use 171.
- Tommy shirt pluto *use 300.
- Tommy shirt mars *use 299.
- Tommy shirt earth *use 298.
- Abby shirt snow *use 297.
- Abby shirt night *use 296.
- Abby shirt morbo *use 295.
- Abby shirt Jam *use 294.
- Abby shirt goochee *use 293.
- Pericolo pants Oi! *use 292.
- Pericolo pants kitty *use 291.
- Pericolo pants harley *use 290.
- Pericolo pants chase *use 289.
- Trip long cargoes *use 288.
- Nilla long cargoes *use 287.
- Drab long cargoes *use286.
- Buhrown long cargoes *use 285.
- Daisy oxford peppermint *use 23 8.
- Daisy oxford NPG *use 237.
- Daisy oxford grass *use 236.
- Daisy oxford Chocolate *use 235.
- Hip huggiz raysa *use 234.
- Hip huggiz flash *use 233.
- Hip huggiz denim *use 232.
- Runniz troy *use 231.
- Runniz minoa *use 230.
- Runniz babel *use 229.
- Runniz atlantis *use 228.
- Daisy oxford spring *use 227.
- Tommy shirt pluto *use 300.
- Tommy shirt mars *use 299.
- Tommy shirt earth *use 298.
- Abby shirt snow *use 297.
- Abby shirt night *use 296.
- Abby shirt morbo *use 295.
- Abby shirt Jam *use 294.
- Abby shirt goochee *use 293.
- Pericolo pants Oi! *use 292.
- Pericolo pants kitty *use 291.
- Pericolo pants harley *use 290
- Pericolo pants chase *use 289.
- Trip long cargoes *use 288.
- Nilla long cargoes *use 287.
- Drab long cargoes *use286.
- Buhrown long cargoes *use 285.
- Daisy oxford peppermint *use 238.
- Daisy oxford NPG *use 237.
- Daisy oxford grass *use 236.
- Daisy oxford Chocolate *use 235.
- Hip huggiz raysa *use 234.
- Hip huggiz flash *use 233.
- Hip huggiz denim *use 232.
- Runniz troy *use 231.
- Runniz minoa *use 230.
- Runniz babel *use 229.
- Runniz atlantis *use 228.
- Daisy oxford spring *use 227.
- Schick kitaz terra *use 177.
- Schick kitaz supahstah *use 176.
- Schick kitaz magma *use 175.
- Schick kitaz cobra *use 174.
- Cargo shorties santorini *use 173.
- Cargo shorties mykonos *use 172.
- Cargo shorties drab *use 171.
- Cargo shorties crete *use 170.
- Cargo shorties camo frog *use 169.
- Cargo shorties blue plaid *use 168.
- Baby T IMVU *use 167.
- Baby T sky splash *use 166.
- Baby T pink pooch *use 164.
- Baby T black estupido *use 163.
Other Commands
- Background circle snow mt. *use 129.
- Blue/yellow square room *use 127.
- Turns you into pacman! (take it off with *use 80 to be a female or *use 191 to be a male) *use 90.
- 13 does weird things to your avatar (may not work all the time) *use 15.
- Purple t shirt with a pooch on it.(shows as unknown) *use 12.
- Turns into treasure chest *use 2000-.
- Banana *use 2001.
- Turns me into the loading image (take it off by putting your avi back on. you can find it in your messenger.) *use 2999.
(Take note that IMVU have made updates and changes over the years, so some of these are not accurate anymore. You may want to leave a comment below and share your cheats, glitch and trick codes to help your IMVU friends. 🙂 )