Games Like Baby & Me

Here is a list of games that are similar to Baby & Me.

Baby Adopter


Are you one of those people who have often thought you were ready to take care of a baby? Then this is a game to try out first! Here you are going to get the opportunity to taste a bit of what it consist of by taking care of a virtual baby. You will get to take care of the daily responsibilities.

Baby Baby Online


Here’s the chance you’ve been waiting for, a chance to care for your own baby, well a virtual baby in this case. Since it is a virtual baby it lets you know what is needed to be done. However, in real life a baby can’t let you know and you have to figure it out for yourself.

Baby Blimp

Baby Blimp-13

Based on the myth, children have always been told that babies are brought by storks. This is going to give a different perspective to that dilemma. This will give you the ability to find out how children’s minds work when they are told this, because even they know that is a lot of work.


Babysitting 1

Are you capable of caring for another person’s infant while they are out working for a living? If you think you’re ready to handle squawking babies then give this a try. The role you have here will be that of a Kindergarten assistant and you are responsible for the care of others infants.

Virtual Families


Virtual Families lets you start out with a nice home and then you will adopt a child or an infant and give it a good start in life. It is a simulation game of having a family and raising children. At the beginning of this you will choose all the options about your personality and the choices you prefer.

Mommy’s New Baby

Mommy’s 6

This starts out before the virtual baby is ever born, giving the entire experience to you. It carries you through the process of seeing the doctor regularly throughout your pregnancy and teaches the importance of staying healthy during pregnancy. When the baby is born it will teach you all the necessary things that will be needed for the baby.

Super Mom


Are you mom material? Well, this is the Supermom game that is going to either make you or break you. There are going to be many different objects or tasks and you will be competing with your neighbor to get them all completed on time and in the correct order, sounds so interesting and fun, doesn’t it?

Baby Caring


Are you mom material? Well, this is the Supermom game that is going to either make you or break you. There are going to be many different objects or tasks and you will be competing with your neighbor to get them all completed on time and in the correct order, sounds so interesting and fun, doesn’t it?

Garden Baby Bathing


You are going to have to keep the baby entertained, and happy. This will be done by playing with the baby and giving the baby different toys to keep itself busy as well. If you do not keep the baby happy, the baby is going to burst out with tantrums of crying, which is going to drive you insane.



This is Kindergarten, and you will be in charge and over see the babies that parents bring in to be looked after. At first you will start out with only one baby to care for and once the profits gets large enough to fix the place up the number will increase.

Baby Hazel Sibling Trouble


In this fun filled babysitting gameplay as baby Hazel and her little brother Matt gives their nanny a rough way to go, keeping the nanny on her toes. Hazel helps with taking care of Matt by looking out for him, and playing with him to keep him entertained. You will be helping Hazel with all of this, including feeding him.

The Adorable And Demanding Twins


There are these adorable twin infants, and the regular babysitter has you watch over them while she goes shopping for more clothes and lots more toys for the infants. You will be dressing them, except that they are spoiled so bad that you are going to have to please them as you are dressing them.

Rookie Nurse


You get to play the role of a rookie nurse taking care of newborn babies. It is a challenging position, as well as role. It will consist of diaper changing, bathing, entertaining, feeding and much more. There are points t be gained for each of the newborns you tend too.

For more games like Baby & Me, check out the Simulations category.

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