Games Like Animal Jam

Here is a list of games that are similar to Animal Jam.


howrse7Howrse is a highly interactive fun game that is growing popular by the day. The game is all about horses and breeding them. You get to take good care of a horse in this virtual world but you also need money. For that, you will need to find a job! The monkey on top will always be there to help you out.


foopets2Foopets is a fun and exciting game that revolves around cute cats and dogs. You can choose whatever you like and then take good care of them. Check in at least once a day to see whether your little pet is okay. Feed him, adore him, and play with him!


dogzer9Dogzer is for the dog lovers out there. Choose your favorite dog and start having fun! You don’t just get to feed him and groom him but you also get to take him to dog shows. You can also be a dog professional yourself to help other dogs!

Happy Pets

happy petsHappy Pets is about pets and being happy! Adopt any of the cute little pets available and get playing! Spend quality time with your pet and when you want to pass time, chat with any of the others online at the same time! Your motto here is to keep your pet happy at all times.

Mondo Zoo

mondozoo12Mondo Zoo is an exciting game that everyone who loves animals will enjoy. It is fun and very educational. You don’t just play here. You also learn a lot animals as you try to save them and bring them back to their native place!

For even more games like Animal Jam, check out Pet Worlds category.

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